The Teenage Crush

Last month, driving Michelle home from work:

"Mom, can I get a motorcycle?" 
Errr "No." 

"Why not?"
"Because they are dangerous and impractical!

"TW said I could!"
"Right, I’m so sure she said that.  Why do you want one?"

"If I had a bike this amazing girl at _____ would be SO into me!"
"Michelle, you don’t want a girl who would be so into you if only you had a motorcycle."


Today on the way to work….

"So, I’ve got a crush on this guy."
"What’s his name? What does he do? Where does he live?"

"His name is ____.  He works at _____.  I don’t know where he lives."
"OK why do you have a crush on him?"

"He’s a musician.  He has such a beautiful voice.  He sang MY Beatles song to ME!"
"He sang Michelle My Belle? He plays guitar?  And he works at ______ and of course he doesn’t go to school, right?"

"He went to SFCC but he’s a MUSICIAN! And his voiceeeeeeeee!!!!"

Teens and their crushes… sheesh!

One response to “The Teenage Crush

  1. I did not say she could have a motorcycle. I am not insane. SCAREY.

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